The Balanced Scorecard It is a very useful tool for managing companies in the short and long term. In the first place, because by combining financial and non-financial indicators allows anticipating trends and carrying out a proactive strategic policy . Second, because it offers a structured method to select the guiding indicators that involves the management of the company .
Among other aspects, the execution of a strategy implies adapting the structure of responsibilities, deciding who participates at each moment and with what role; transmit the objectives throughout the organization; plan implementation and budget; align all management mechanisms so that they work harmoniously; and have some indicators (financial and non-financial) that make it possible to evaluate a follow-up of the strategy.
We are at your side to establish the strategy of your company, through strategic maps.
Cr. Casanova, 80 Bajo 08011 Barcelona - Spain
34 931 599 842
Cr. de la Vila de Foix, 4 1º 2ª 25002 Lleida - Spain
34 973 236 350