Be when creating a new company , Search financing for a project business, justify a company restructuring , or expose their partners and workers their expectations of growth and consolidation ; you need a " Business Plan" or what is the same, a Strategic Feasibility Plan .
The " business-plan ", it's a document that communicates, convinces and justifies the planning degree of a business project, market research, value proposition, marketing, investments, resources, expected income, personnel, costs, etc.
We are a Entrepreneur Service Points (PAE) which is responsible for facilitating the creation of new companies, the effective start of their activity and their development, through the provision of information services, documentation processing, advice, training and support for business financing.
In other words, it's a summary of what you want to do, how it will be done, and in what time , and the most important:
what results you hope to obtain and why your business model is viable.
Moreover, we will also help you get the financing that your business project needs, as explained below.
We advise you on everything you may need to create your company or to make it grow. Processing everything you need.
Partner search services and financing support, offering a comprehensive solution to companies in the initial or expansion phase (Seed, "Startup", "Venture Capital")
We understand that you should be assisted by experienced professionals throughout the process.
If you need to CREATE A COMPANY, EXPAND IT, FUND IT OR SELL IT successfully, contact us and we will provide you with a tailored budget, we have a team with extensive experience in all types of economic sectors.
Cr. Casanova, 80 Bajo 08011 Barcelona - Spain
34 931 599 842
Cr. de la Vila de Foix, 4 1º 2ª 25002 Lleida - Spain
34 973 236 350